Exploring the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Exploring the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Artificial intelligence is a buzzword that is becoming an increasingly common topic of conversation everywhere nowadays. Artificial intelligence is also one of the fastest-growing fields in tech and is at the forefront of a large number of the newest technological innovations.

What exactly is artificial intelligence?

Computers are very powerful devices. However, there's still a long way to go before they gain the ability to carry out automated processes on their own. Artificial intelligence refers to the process of teaching computers how to simulate human intelligence and carry out tasks on their own. This is usually directed toward learning and problem-solving in technology. Artificial intelligence is different from traditional programming in that it does not need explicit instructions to get better. Artificial intelligence can learn, improve itself, and get better at tasks over time through repetition. An example of this is Siri. Siri is an acronym for apple Inc's Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface (software) SIRI. It is a virtual assistant that comes included with apple's operating systems. In 2019 Siri was tested and answered 83.1 percent of all questions asked correctly which was a huge improvement from 32.7% the previous year. This is a huge testament to artificial intelligence and its seemingly limitless potential for improvement.

When you give Siri a command like, " Find the nearest coffee shop".

Siri hears your words and processes them, Siri then responds and takes action. Siri isn't being guided or instructed by any human on how to carry out these processes and traditional programming can not have a solution for every possible question that could be asked

Siri is making use of artificial intelligence to predict the meaning of your words on its own and determine the accurate response.

Siri is not being programmed explicitly to get better after each user’s query. Instead, Siri uses data gained from each interaction with users to improve its performance on subsequent interactions.

So, how is this different from traditional software?

Traditional software has to be explicitly programmed to solve a problem. If Siri was not built with artificial intelligence capabilities and had to solve a problem it has not encountered before, it would require a programmer to write more code to solve that particular problem.

That is impossible as there are millions of Apple users giving millions of commands in real time.

Using the capabilities of artificial intelligence, Siri leverages machine learning algorithms to learn from data at scale, then improves at cutting-edge speed.

Artificial intelligence improves a lot in a little time, which is part of what makes it so unique and powerful. It is a powerful alternative to human solutions and traditional programming methods and has gradually begun to replace them.

What is SEO?

SEO, which is an acronym for search engine optimization, is a way of tailoring your content on the web. Search engine optimization determines the ranking of your website on the results page of a search engine when searching for a particular keyword related to your website. There is increasing use of AI being applied to search engine optimization. There are different types of search engine optimization

  • White hat SEO: These are search engine optimization techniques that are compliant with the guidelines set by the search engine

  • Black hat SEO: This is the exact opposite of white hat SEO and it looks to take advantage of any loopholes in the search engines algorithm to gain higher visibility and uses unethical means

  • Gray hat SEO: As the name indicates gray hat SEO is a combination of both white and black hat techniques

What is the relationship between artificial intelligence and search engine optimization?

Artificial intelligence is used in a wide range of applications related to search engines, its algorithms are used to accelerate and improve the accuracy of searches and the relevance of results.

1 Local Search

Providing accurate search results across different locations is not an easy feat by any means. These search results have a huge impact on local businesses and artificial intelligence is well suited for solving this type of information problem at large scales.

2 Text and Voice search

Search engines use sophisticated artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in tandem with deep learning to process every search and determine the relevance of the results and the order in which they should be ranked as results. The exact details of how these search engine AI-powered algorithms work is a closely guarded secret but there are still clues as to how they work. This means whether you remain oblivious to its presence or not, artificial intelligence has a huge impact on the ranking of your website.

Voice search is another common feature on search engines and is made possible by artificial intelligence technologies like natural language generation and natural language processing. Voice is gradually becoming a major part of search engines as the number of voice devices increases and more users access search engines with voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant.

3 Search Suggestions

Artificial intelligence makes suggestions tailored to you immediately after typing in the search engine text field. This is made possible by the use of artificial intelligence through deep learning. The deep learning algorithm tailors content based on what it has learned about you from previous searches and also from other users in your vicinity.

How to use artificial intelligence to improve SEO

After reading about all the ways search engines use artificial intelligence to improve and optimize the rankings of search results, I'm sure you are curious as to how you can take advantage of the power of artificial intelligence for yourself. There are several ways to do this and over 80 percent of marketers that adopt artificial intelligence have noticed rapid improvements in their business and SEO.

1 Select the right artificial intelligence for SEO software

The first step and possibly the most important step to get into using artificial intelligence for your SEO is to select the right software. There is no "one size fits all" software solution for AI in SEO and the software you should use depends on your unique situation. There are several AI-powered tools for SEO, but they do not offer the same functionality. Some tools assess the SEO of content topics, including preexisting pages, and create data-backed suggestions for search engine optimization and keyword targeting. There are tools that also assess and make predictions on the future performance of reoptimized or new pages. After making a decision on the features you need, compare prices with other options.

Select a tool with proven success in optimizing SEO ranking that has been tested and has a successful track record with proof to back it.

2 Content Topic Discovery

After choosing the right AI tool for your search engine optimization you can begin to use it to select new topics and reoptimize old ones. When you want to create new content, the first step is to research keywords and topics. When choosing topics focus on the ones related to your business, industry, products, or services. This helps to establish you as a reliable source relevant to that category, After compiling the keywords you can use artificial intelligence to power your SEO content.

3 Analyze your Topics

The process of submitting keywords or topics differs for each AI tool. Most artificial intelligence for SEO applications provide a set of instructions or a manual for using the application. Depending on the software provider, the submission process may be handled by them, with the results delivered to your team after analysis. The details provided by the artificial intelligence software will vary. There are common solutions provided, such as

Related Keywords: This analyzes related keywords to your topic that should appear on your post or website to improve SEO.

Semantic analysis Summary: This analyzes a search to gain an understanding of searcher intent, query context, and the relationships between words.

Potential title tags: This gives insight into the best possible tags to use in the title tag. Title tags are html elements that specify the title of a web page and are displayed on the results page of search engines.

Recommended word count: Recommended word count provides suggestions for the text length of a post. The text length of a post determines how much data a search engine has to understand what your post is about.

4 Review your SEO data

Go through the data generated by the AI tool and make sure you review it for errors. If you have a team dedicated to marketing and SEO, they should look through the report and mention any questions or concerns. AI may be a very powerful tool but keep in mind that it is not 100 percent accurate, this is what makes the review process an absolute necessity.

5 Create your content

After following the previous steps your writing team can begin to create AI-powered SEO content. Irregardless of the content your blog or website provides, It should meet up with the following standards

  • Makes extensive use of targeted keywords

  • References the recommendations made in the AI-generated report

  • Aligns with the brand

Reoptimize old content

For companies that have already put out a lot of content and want to optimize the performance of that content, AI for SEO offers a lot of opportunities to do so. Compile a list of the pages and uncover low-performing pages, You can also discover pages that have decreased in traffic over time or pages that never took off.

AI is the future of SEO and with its use companies can improve the efficacy, accuracy, speed, and performance of search engine optimization strategies.