How to boost Customer Experience on your website with

What is is a live chat software that enables you to add a chat interface to communicate with your users/customers. This interface allows you to monitor people visiting your website and provides the opportunity for them to interact with you or designated support agents to ensure a seamless experience.

Customer Experience

Customer experience, otherwise known as CX is a very important part of any business, website, or digital platform. It takes on a whole new dimension. Customer experience refers to the impression or perception of your business, product, or brand on a user after their interaction with your business. Customer experience spans a wide range of interactions including but not limited to advertising, exploring your website, contacting customer care, making an order, tracking the order, and leaving a review. These interactions and how they're handled greatly influence the perception of your brand by customers and whether they come back to do more business with your brand.

How does boost customer experience on your website's free online chat platform can improve your customer experience in several ways which we'll go ahead to discuss below


Personalization is a very important part of customer experience. It is very important for your users to feel a connection to your platform. can allow you to do this by leveraging whatever information that a customer provides within a conversation or over several conversations. This goes beyond addressing users by their names and can extend to provide continuity when keeping records of repeat customers. The wealth of information available to you includes their previous purchases, questions, complaints, and preferences. Paying attention to these details and giving the right feedback makes customers feel valued and is very essential to providing good customer experience.

Availability's service offers you the opportunity to offer your customers round-the-clock support. This means that customers can get the needed guidance at any time of the day. provides 24/7 support throughout the year on both chat and email. When users initiate a chat on your site at any time of the day a member of the dedicated support team will offer guidance and help to the best of their ability.

Dashboard Overview provides a dashboard that simplifies administrative functions and provides insight into customer experience with live monitoring. This dashboard allows you to assess the number of live visitors, the page views for each of the pages on the website, current complaints(settled and unsettled), which agents are attending to each complaint and to assess customer satisfaction based on customer reviews.

Gather Actionable Feedback

Gathering feedback is essential to the running of any business. Understanding how your customers feel about your products and the support you offer is an integral part of building a good customer experience. Questionnaires are the go-to method for collating customer feedback. However, using questionnaires and surveys doesn't inspire much engagement anymore and doesn't give as much insight into customer needs. allows you to gain insight into your customer's needs with the records of conversations between your support agents.